0x02: api #
Subdomain: 0x0201: assert #
id / code | class / status | message | description |
api.assert.invalid_type0x02010001 | BadRequestError (400) | Wrong type for argument "%s" (expected: %s) | Wrong argument type |
api.assert.invalid_argument0x02010002 | BadRequestError (400) | Invalid argument "%s". Expected: %s | A request argument holds an invalid value |
api.assert.missing_argument0x02010003 | BadRequestError (400) | Missing argument "%s". | A required argument is missing |
api.assert.empty_argument0x02010004 | BadRequestError (400) | The argument "%s" is empty. | The argument cannot be empty |
api.assert.mutually_exclusive0x02010005 | BadRequestError (400) | Arguments "%s" and "%s" are mutually exclusive | Mutually exclusive parameters have been provided |
api.assert.too_many_arguments0x02010006 | BadRequestError (400) | Argument "%s" contains too many values | An argument contains too many keys or values |
api.assert.unexpected_argument0x02010007 | BadRequestError (400) | Unexpected argument "%s" (accepted arguments: %s) | An unexpected argument has been provided |
api.assert.body_required0x02010008 | BadRequestError (400) | The request must specify a body. | A request body is required |
api.assert.unexpected_type_assertion0x02010009 | InternalError (500) | An unexepected type assertion "%s" has been invoked on attribute "%s". | Unexpected type assertion |
api.assert.invalid_id0x0201000a | BadRequestError (400) | Invalid "_id" value: cannot start with an underscore | _id values cannot start with an underscore |
api.assert.forbidden_argument0x0201000b | BadRequestError (400) | The argument "%s" is not allowed by this API action. | A forbidden argument has been provided |
api.assert.koncorde_unknown_keyword0x0201000c | BadRequestError (400) | The keyword "%s" is not part of Koncorde filters DSL keywords. Are you trying to use an Elasticsearch query? | An unknown keyword has been provided in filters |
api.assert.koncorde_restricted_keyword0x0201000d | BadRequestError (400) | The %s "%s" of Koncorde DSL is not supported for search queries. | A restricted keyword has been provided in filters |
api.assert.koncorde_dsl_error0x0201000e | BadRequestError (400) | %s | Provided filters contains an error |
api.assert.forbidden_stream0x0201000f | InternalError (500) | Cannot set an HttpStream as a request's response in a non-http protocol | A forbidden HttpStream has been provided in a response |
api.assert.unsupported_protocol0x02010010 | InternalError (500) | The protocol "%s" is not supported by the API action "%s". | A request has been made with an unsupported protocol |
Subdomain: 0x0202: process #
id / code | class / status | message | description |
api.process.action_locked0x02020001 | PreconditionError (412) | Cannot execute action "%s": already executing. | Cannot execute the requested action because it's already executing |
api.process.overloaded0x02020002 | ServiceUnavailableError (503) | Request discarded: Kuzzle Server is temporarily overloaded. | The request has been discarded because the server is overloaded |
api.process.connection_dropped0x02020003 | BadRequestError (400) | Client connection dropped | The request has been discarded because its linked client connection has dropped |
api.process.controller_not_found0x02020004 | NotFoundError (404) | API controller "%s" not found. | API controller not found |
api.process.action_not_found0x02020005 | NotFoundError (404) | API action "%s":"%s" not found | API controller action not found |
api.process.incompatible_sdk_version0x02020006 | BadRequestError (400) | Incompatible SDK client. Your SDK version (%s) does not match Kuzzle requirement (%s). | SDK is incompatible with the current Kuzzle version. You can set "config.server.strictSdkVersion" to false to disable this safety check at your own risk. |
api.process.shutting_down0x02020007 | ServiceUnavailableError (503) | Rejected: this node is shutting down. | This Kuzzle node is shutting down and refuses new requests |
api.process.too_many_requests0x02020008 | TooManyRequestsError (429) | Rejected: requests rate limit exceeded for this user. | The request has been refused because a rate limit has been exceeded for this user |
api.process.admin_exists0x02020009 | PreconditionError (412) | Admin user is already set. | Attempted to create the first administrator, when one already exists |
api.process.incomplete_multiple_request0x0202000a | MultipleErrorsError (400) | At least one of the %s actions failed. | Failed to execute some or all actions requested |
api.process.not_enough_nodes0x0202000b | ServiceUnavailableError (503) | Rejected: this cluster is disabled because there aren't enough nodes connected. | The Kuzzle cluster has not enough nodes available, and no new requests can be processed until new nodes are added |
api.process.unauthorized_origin0x0202000c | UnauthorizedError (401) | The origin "%s" is not authorized. | The domain reaching out to Kuzzle is not authorized |
api.process.too_many_logins_requests0x0202000d | TooManyRequestsError (429) | Rejected: Too many login attempts per second | The request was denied because the maximum ("limits.loginsPerSecond") number of login attempts per second has been exceeded. |
api.process.forbidden_embedded_sdk_action0x0202000e | PluginImplementationError (500) | The action %s:%s has been called while it is forbidden in the EmbeddedSDK%s. | A forbidden EmbdeddedSDK action has been called |
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