API v2.x

getProfileRights #

Gets the detailed rights configured by a security profile.

Query Syntax #


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URL: http://kuzzle:7512/_profiles/<_id>/_rights
Method: GET

Other protocols #

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  "controller": "security",
  "action": "getProfileRights",
  "_id": "<profileId>"

Arguments #

  • _id: profile identifier

Response #

Returns a hits array of objects. Each object is a security right described by the security profile:

  • controller: impacted Kuzzle controller
  • action: impacted controller action
  • index: index name
  • collection: collection name
  • value: tell if access is allowed or denied.
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  "status": 200,
  "error": null,
  "result": {
    // An array of objects containing the profile rights
    "hits": [
        "controller": "auth",
        "action": "login",
        "value": "allowed"
        "controller": "document",
        "action": "get",
        "index": "foo",
        "collection": "bar",
        "value": "allowed"
        "controller": "document",
        "action": "create",
        "index": "foo",
        "collection": "bar",
        "value": "denied"