Available since 2.17.0
capabilities #
This action should be accessible by all users, the purpose of this action is to inform the client what kind of limits or behavior they should expect from Kuzzle.
The SDKs are using this action to modify their behavior accordingly to Kuzzle capabilities.
Query Syntax #
URL: http://kuzzle:7512/_capabilities
Method: GET
Other protocols #
"controller": "server",
"action": "capabilities"
Response #
Returns the complete Kuzzle capabilities, in JSON format.
"status": 200,
"error": null,
"action": "getConfig",
"controller": "server",
"result": {
"limits": {
"concurrentRequests": 100,
"documentsFetchCount": 10000,
"documentsWriteCount": 200,
"loginsPerSecond": 50,
"requestsBufferSize": 50000,
"requestsBufferWarningThreshold": 5000,
"subscriptionConditionsCount": 100,
"subscriptionRooms": 1000000,
"subscriptionDocumentTTL": 259200000
"plugins": {
"common": {
"bootstrapLockTimeout": 5000,
"pipeWarnTime": 500,
"pipeTimeout": 5000,
"initTimeout": 10000
// ... etc ...
"version": "2.16.6"
"status": 200,
"volatile": null
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