Deprecated since 2.8.0
This guide should be considered as obsolete and features presented here could be deprecated.
Hooks #
Hooks are asynchronous listeners, plugged to events, and receiving information regarding that event.
Hooks can only listen: the received information cannot be changed. And Kuzzle doesn't wait for their execution either, so hooks cannot change the outcome of whatever triggered the listened event.
Usage #
Plugins can register hooks by exposing a hooks
object: keys are listened events, and values are either a function to execute whenever that event is triggered, or an array of functions.
this.hooks = {
'<kuzzle event to listen>': <function to call>,
'<another event>': [list, of, functions, to call]
Example #
module.exports = class HookPlugin {
constructor() {}
Required plugin initialization function
(see the "Plugin prerequisites" section)
init(customConfig, context) {
Calls the plugin functions when the Kuzzle events
this.hooks = {
'document:afterCreate': this.myFunctionOnCreate.bind(this)
Called whenever the "document:afterCreate" event
is triggered
myFunctionOnCreate(request, event) {
console.log(`Event ${event} triggered`);
console.log(`Document created: ${request.result._id}`);
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