Authenticate Users #
Kuzzle's authentication system is multi-strategy based. This means that the same user can authenticate in several different ways.
For example, the same user can authenticate with the local strategy with an username and a password pair but also with the oauth strategy using an external provider such as Facebook or Google.
Kuzzle uses Passport.js under the hood, and therefore there are 300+ strategies readily available. (LDAP, OpenID, Active Directory, x509, etc.)
We saw that in the Set Up Permission guide, when creating a user, we had to provide credentials for the local strategy, but we could have provided more strategies (provided the right strategy plugins are used):
// User profiles
content: {
profileIds: ["dummy"]
// User credentials
credentials: {
// User will be able to login with the "local" strategy
local: {
username: "najada",
password: "password"
// User will be able to login with the "ldap" strategy
ldap: {
bindDN: "cn=root",
searchBase: "ou=passport-ldapauth",
searchFilter: "(uid=najada)"
New authentication strategies are made available by authentication plugins.
By default, only the local strategy is available.
We also provide an authentication plugin for the OAuth strategy but it's not available by default and need to be added to your application.
Getting an authentication token #
Kuzzle uses authentication tokens to identify user sessions.
First we need to get one with the auth:login action. This action takes the strategy
used as a mean to authenticate, and any additional information needed by that strategy.
In our example we will use the local strategy so we have to provide a username
and a password
kourou auth:login -a strategy=local --body '{
username: "melis",
password: "password"
[ℹ] Unknown command "auth:login", fallback to API method
🚀 Kourou - Executes an API query.
[ℹ] Connecting to http://localhost:7512 ...
"_id": "62843356-d826-42fb-adf1-e930e90b6006",
"expiresAt": 1602600225701,
"jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJfaWQiOiI2Mjg0MzM1Ni1kODI2LTQyZmItYWRmMS1lOTMwZTkwYjYwMDYiLCJpYXQiOjE2MDI1OTY2MjUsImV4cCI6MTYwMjYwMDIyNX0.0HZF_AhyTzPCRxdaMbT6hlwLflYG4emmLlTD6YV_Nmo",
"ttl": 3600000
[✔] Successfully executed "auth:login"
Kuzzle sent us back the token in the jwt
Usually, login attempts are made by anonymous users, to acquire a token granting the necessary rights to perform more actions.
Since removing rights to the auth:login
action from anonymous users would mean that it would be no longer possible to log in, Kuzzle prevents that action from ever be removed from the anonymous
Using an authentication token #
Now that we have a token, we must pass it to API requests, either in the HTTP headers or in the Kuzzle request payload, depending on what network protocol is used.
When using Kourou with --username
and --password
flags, the auth:login action is called and the received token is automatically used along with subsequent requests.
:::: tabs ::: tab Kourou
kourou auth:getCurrentUser -a jwt=<token>
::: ::: tab HTTP
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" http://localhost:7512/_me
::: ::: tab WebSocket
npx wscat -c ws://localhost:7512 --execute '{
"controller": "auth",
"action": "getCurrentUser",
"jwt": "<token>"
::: tab Javascript
kourou sdk:execute '
sdk.jwt = "<token>";
console.log(await sdk.auth.getCurrentUser());
Kourou is able to execute Javascript code snippets.
A sdk
variable is exposed and refers to an instance of the Javascript SDK, connected to Kuzzle and authenticated if credentials are provided.