General Purpose Backend #
Kuzzle is a generic backend offering the basic building blocks common to every application.
Rather than developing the same standard features over and over again every time you create a new application, Kuzzle provides them all off the shelf, allowing you to focus on building high-level, high-value business functionalities.
API First #
The majority of Kuzzle's features are available via its API for various external clients.
This multi-protocol API allows clients to communicate with Kuzzle and use the backend features through the protocol that best suits their needs:
Whether it is the creation and modification of the database or the management of users and rights, everything is available through the different controllers of the API.
The API provides a standard communication format for requests and responses so that every client has an identical experience with the API.
Access to every action is centralized within the rights management system for a better understanding and maintenance.
Ready-to-use Database #
Kuzzle uses Elasticsearch as a NoSQL document store.
With Kuzzle, customers can directly access data stored in the database as long as they have the rights to do so.
Kuzzle exposes the Elasticsearch Query Language in a secure way. It is therefore possible to take full advantage of the possibilities of Elasticsearch with boolean queries, aggregations, special fields, etc.
It is then no longer needed to create a new controller every time new data needs to be displayed, and it is no longer needed to add parameters to controller actions to refine searches either: queries are expressed directly on the client side.
// Retrieve documents matching the Elasticsearch query
let result = await'iot', 'sensors', {
query: {
bool: {
filter: [
{ term: { model: 'temperature' } },
{ range: { value: { gt: 42 } } },
In the same way, creating collections or writing documents is also done directly from the frontend into the database collections:
// First create an index and a collection to handle our data
await sdk.index.create('iot');
await sdk.collection.create('iot', 'sensors', {
mappings: {
model: { type: 'keyword' },
temperature: { type: 'integer' },
// Create a document inside our collection
let result = await sdk.document.create('iot', 'sensors', {
model: 'temperature',
temperature: 42
Authentication #
Kuzzle features a multi-authentication system for all users and fits perfectly in a context of SSO and centralization of authentication within an information system.
Rather than using a single authentication system, Kuzzle embeds Passport.js and makes its 500+ authentication strategies available to you by writing an authentication plugin.
Your users can then choose to authenticate themselves with a classic login / password but also from an OAuth provider such as Facebook or Google, a LDAP directory, via SAML, or many other methods.
Rights Management #
Rights Management is also integrated in the backend functionalities. The rights can be configured through the Kuzzle API or through our Admin Console.
Kuzzle has a standard system with 3 levels of depth:
- Roles control access to API actions,
- Profiles are a composition of multiple roles,
- Finally, users are a composition of multple profiles.
This system allows management of the majority of access control rights situations. For the most advanced cases, Kuzzle allows to dynamically restrict access rights via its event system and its pipe mechanism.
// Restrict document reading to their creator only
app.pipe.register('generic:document:afterGet', async (documents: Document[], request: KuzzleRequest) => {
for (const document of documents) {
if (request.context.user._id !== document._source._kuzzle_info.creator) {
throw new ForbiddenError(`Not allowed to access document ${document._id}`);
return documents;
Extensibility #
Like any framework, Kuzzle allows you to develop new features by extending and modifying the existing API.
To do so, just install the NPM kuzzle package and start developing your application.
import { Backend, KuzzleRequest } from 'kuzzle';
const app = new Backend('iot-tracker');
// Register a new API controller
app.controller.register('greeting', {
actions: {
sayHello: {
handler: (request: KuzzleRequest) => `Hello, ${}`
.then(() =>'Application started'));
Kuzzle offers different mechanisms to develop the business functionalities of your application:
Everything you will build upon your application will benefit from the advantages of Kuzzle API such as multi-authentication, rights management, standard request and response format, cluster scalability, anti-DoS protection, etc.
Typescript support #
Kuzzle exposes interfaces written in Typescript for a faster learning curve and a better application maintainability.
This support is available for writing backend applications as well as frontend applications.
Whether in the backend or in the frontend, developers use the same interface to interact with Kuzzle: Kuzzle Javascript SDK
The Javascript SDK is of course used by frontend applications but also in the backend, so developers can capitalize on their experience to allow isomorphic backend / frontend development.
Realtime Notifications #
Kuzzle has its own high-performance realtime engine.
This engine allows you to use pub/sub communications in a conventional way, but it's also capable of triggering realtime database notification.
Every change occuring on the database can generate realtime notifications. Clients can listen to database changes and synchronize frontends or other backend applications accordingly.
The realtime engine also offers the possibility to subscribe with filters in order to receive only the desired notifications.
// Receive database notification only if a document "temperature" field
// is greather than 42
await sdk.realtime.subscribe('iot', 'sensors', {
range: {
temperature: { gt: 42 }
async (notification: Notification) => {
console.log(`Sensor ${notification.result._id} temperature is too high!`);
The entire realtime engine is used exclusively from a client (frontend or backend) and does not require any additional code on the Kuzzle application side to generate and transmit notifications.
Integrated Cluster Mode #
Kuzzle is a backend designed to scale horizontally to millions of users.
With its integrated masterless cluster mode, it allows hot-starting new application instances to handle any additionnal load.
In addition to allowing scalability, the cluster mode offers high availability to reach 99.99% uptime for your application.
It is also possible to start your application by deploying it on a single server and then deploy the same code on several servers whenever there is a need to handle a heavier load.
Get Started ! #
Follow our Getting Started to develop your first server application: Kuzzle application journey
Or start to develop a client application by using one of our SDKs: