Guides v1.x

You are currently looking at the documentation of a previous version of Kuzzle. We strongly recommend that you use the latest version. You can also use the version selector in the top menu.

Real-time Engine #

Kuzzle includes his own real-time engine for sending notifications to clients connected through the API.

Real-time capabilities requires the use of a persistent communication protocol such as WebSocket or MQTT.

Kuzzle offers 2 different ways of doing real-time:

You can bypass notifications from being triggered by using actions from the bulk controller.

wscat #

This guide provides examples that use the Kuzzle API directly through a command line WebSocket client: wscat.

To install it you can type the following command: npm install -g wscat.

The sample requests are to be sent directly to wscat after connecting to your Kuzzle server with the command wscat --connect localhost:7512.

It is of course possible to send the payloads provided with a different WebSocket client than wscat.

Pub/Sub #

Kuzzle's real-time engine allows you to do Pub/Sub in dedicated communication channels called rooms.

The process is as follows:

  • a customer subscribes to a particular room,
  • a second customer posts a message in this room,
  • the customer subscribing to the room receives a notification.


Subscription to a room is done via the realtime:subscribe method. It takes 3 parameters, used to describe a specific room:

  • name of an index,
  • name of a collection,
  • subscription filters contained in the body of the request.

In order to use Kuzzle in Pub/Sub mode only, the index and collection do not need to physically exist in the database (e.g. created in Kuzzle via the index:create and collection:create methods of the API).
These information are only used to define an ephemeral room between several customers.

   "controller": "realtime",
   "action": "subscribe",
   "index": "nyc-open-data",
   "collection": "yellow-taxi",
   "body": {
     // subscription filters

Payload to send with wscat:


Then clients wishing to post messages in this room must use the realtime:publish method by specifying the same parameters:

   "controller": "realtime",
   "action": "publish",
   "index": "nyc-open-data",
   "collection": "yellow-taxi",
   "body": {
     "name": "Manwë",
     "licence": "B",
     "car": "berline",
     "position": {
        "lat": 43.6073913,
        "lon": 3.9109057

Payload to send with wscat in another terminal:


Customers subscribing to this channel will receive the following notification:

Click to expand
  "status": 200,
  "requestId": "644bc890-9c14-4a8f-afcc-afef444fd6f7",
  "timestamp": 1558690506519,
  "volatile": null,
  "index": "nyc-open-data",
  "collection": "yellow-taxi",
  "controller": "realtime",  // Controller who trigger the notification
  "action": "publish",       // Action who trigger the notification
  "protocol": "websocket",
  "scope": "in",
  "result": {
    "_source": {
      // Content of the published document
      "name": "Manwë",
      "licence": "B",
      "car": "berline",
      "position": {
        "lat": 43.6073913,
        "lon": 3.9109057
      "_kuzzle_info": {
        "author": "-1",
        "createdAt": 1558690506527
    "_id": null
  "type": "document", // Notification is of type document
  "room": "54ffaa49fe470879bed9b0697468bb21-89c22fbf000567a2ed2e7886ed0c51e3"

More information about the Document Notification format

Messages published with the realtime:publish method are not persisted in the database.

Database notifications #

Kuzzle's real-time engine allows you to subscribe to notifications corresponding to changes in the database.

Subscription to a database changes is done via the realtime:subscribe method, taking 3 parameters:

  • name of the index,
  • name of the collection you want to watch,
  • subscription filters contained in the body of the request.

The specified index and collection must exist in the database to receive database notifications.

When changes occur on this collection (eg: document creation, modification or deletion), Kuzzle will send notifications to the corresponding subscribers.

   "controller": "realtime",
   "action": "subscribe",
   "index": "nyc-open-data",
   "collection": "yellow-taxi",
   "body": {
     // subscription filters

Payload to send with wscat:


For example, creating a document with the document:create method corresponds to a change in the database, so customers subscribing to notifications in this collection will be notified.

  "controller": "document",
  "action": "create",
  "index": "nyc-open-data",
  "collection": "yellow-taxi",
  "body": {
    "name": "Morgoth",
    "car": "limousine",
    "licence": "B"

Payload to send with wscat in another terminal:


Customers subscribing to the changes in this collection will receive the following notification:

Click to expand
  "status": 200,
  "requestId": "556e8499-8edc-488c-ab7c-2f6aa9d12acd",
  "timestamp": 1558781280054,
  "volatile": null,
  "index": "nyc-open-data",
  "collection": "yellow-taxi",
  "controller": "document",  // Controller who trigger the notification
  "action": "create",        // Action who trigger the notification
  "protocol": "websocket",
  "scope": "in",
  "result": {
    "_source": {
      // Content of the created document
      "name": "Morgoth",
      "licence": "B",
      "car": "limousine",
      "_kuzzle_info": {
        "author": "-1",
        "createdAt": 1558781280058,
        "updatedAt": null,
        "updater": null,
        "active": true,
        "deletedAt": null
    "_id": "AWrumr8-njeq4FJZaOmC"
  "type": "document",  // Notification is of type document
  "room": "54ffaa49fe470879bed9b0697468bb21-89c22fbf000567a2ed2e7886ed0c51e3"

More information about the Document Notification format

Subscription filters #

When a customer subscribes to real-time notifications, whether in Pub/Sub or Database Notification, he can specify a set of subscription filters. These filters allow the customer to tell Kuzzle exactly which documents they are interested in and only receive notifications about them.

These filters are specified only on the client side and do not require server-side implementation. They are sent in the body of the request realtime:subscribe

A filter is composed of term that can be composed with operands.

For example if I want to receive only drivers with the B license:

  "controller": "realtime",
  "action": "subscribe",
  "index": "nyc-open-data",
  "collection": "yellow-taxi",
  "body": {
    "equals": { "licence": "B" }

It is also possible to combine terms between them with operands to refine my filter:

  "controller": "realtime",
  "action": "subscribe",
  "index": "nyc-open-data",
  "collection": "yellow-taxi",
  "body": {
    "and": [
      { "equals": { "licence": "B" } },
      { "equals": { "car": "berline" } }

Each subscription filter defines a scope. All documents in the collection can be either inside or outside this scope.

Once a customer has subscribed to notifications with filters, they will receive notifications each time a document enters or exits the scope defined by the filters.


This information is contained in the scope field of the notifications:

Click to expand
  "status": 200,
  "requestId": "556e8499-8edc-488c-ab7c-2f6aa9d12acd",
  "timestamp": 1558781280054,
  "volatile": null,
  "index": "nyc-open-data",
  "collection": "yellow-taxi",
  "controller": "document",
  "action": "create",
  "protocol": "websocket",
  "scope": "in",           // Notification about a document entering the scope
  "result": {
    "_source": {
      "name": "Manwë",
      "licence": "B",
      "car": "berline",
      "_kuzzle_info": {
        "author": "-1",
        "createdAt": 1558781280058,
        "updatedAt": null,
        "updater": null,
        "active": true,
        "deletedAt": null
    "_id": "AWrumr8-njeq4FJZaOmC"
  "type": "document",
  "room": "54ffaa49fe470879bed9b0697468bb21-89c22fbf000567a2ed2e7886ed0c51e3"

Subscription options #

In addition to filters, it is possible to specify options to the realtime:subscribe method to refine the notifications received or add context information to the notifications that will be sent.

scope #

The scope option allows you to specify whether you want to receive notifications regarding documents entering or leaving the scope only.

This parameter can take 3 values:

  • in: receive only notifications about documents entering the scope
  • out: receive only notifications about documents exiting the scope
  • all: (default) receive everything

For example, to be informed of taxis arriving at central park:

  "controller": "realtime",
  "action": "subscribe",
  "index": "nyc-open-data",
  "collection": "yellow-taxi",
  "body": {
    "geoBoundingBox": {
      "position": {
        "topLeft": { "lat": 40.759507, "lon": -73.985384 },
        "bottomRight": { "lat": 40.758372, "lon": -73.984591 }
  "scope": "in" // Only documents entering the scope

users #

The users option allows you to receive additional notifications when another client joins or leaves the same room.

This parameter can take 4 values:

  • in: only receive notifications when a customer joins the room
  • out: only receive notifications when a customer leaves the room
  • all: receive everything
  • none: (default) receive nothing
   "controller": "realtime",
   "action": "subscribe",
   "index": "nyc-open-data",
   "collection": "yellow-taxi",
   "body": {
   "user": "all" // Receive notification when a user enters or exits the room

Payload to send with wscat:


If a second customer subscribes to the same notifications, then the customer will receive the following notification:

Click to expand
  "status": 200,
  "timestamp": 1558792881867,
  "volatile": null,
  "index": "nyc-open-data",
  "collection": "yellow-taxi",
  "controller": "realtime",
  "action": "subscribe",
  "protocol": "websocket",
  "user": "in",   // User entering the room
  "result": {
    "count": 2    // Users subscribed to the room
  "type": "user", // Notification about a user
  "room": "54ffaa49fe470879bed9b0697468bb21-24f5ac19056dbab464867c9515f8dbc5"

More information about the User Notification format

volatile data #

Volatile data are metadata that can be added to each request made to the Kuzzle API.

When a request containing volatile data triggers a real-time notification, these volatile data are included in the notification that will be sent to the subscribing customers.

For example, if a customer subscribes to the following notifications:

   "controller": "realtime",
   "action": "subscribe",
   "index": "nyc-open-data",
   "collection": "yellow-taxi",
   "body": {
     // subscription filters

Payload to send with wscat:


If another client publishes a message in the room specifying volatile data:

   "controller": "realtime",
   "action": "publish",
   "index": "nyc-open-data",
   "collection": "yellow-taxi",
   "body": {
     "name": "Ulmo",
     "licence": "B"
   "volatile": {
     "senderName": "Eru Ilúvatar"

Payload to send with wscat in another terminal:

{"controller":"realtime","action":"publish","index":"nyc-open-data","collection":"yellow-taxi","body":{"name":"Manwë","licence":"B","car":"berline","position":{"lat":43.6073913,"lon":3.9109057}},"volatile":{"senderName":"Eru Ilúvatar"}}

Each customer who subscribes to the room will receive the following notification:

Click to expand
  "status": 200,
  "requestId": "644bc890-9c14-4a8f-afcc-afef444fd6f7",
  "timestamp": 1558690506519,
  "volatile": {
     "senderName": "Eru Ilúvatar" // Volatile data included in the notification
  "index": "nyc-open-data",
  "collection": "yellow-taxi",
  "controller": "realtime",
  "action": "publish",
  "protocol": "websocket",
  "scope": "in",
  "result": {
    "_source": {
      "name": "Ulmo",
      "licence": "B",
      "_kuzzle_info": {
        "author": "-1",
        "createdAt": 1558690506527
    "_id": null
  "type": "document",
  "room": "54ffaa49fe470879bed9b0697468bb21-89c22fbf000567a2ed2e7886ed0c51e3"

Where do we go from here? #

Now that you're more familiar with Kuzzle, dive even deeper to learn how to leverage its full capabilities: