SDK PHP v3.x

You are currently looking at the documentation of a previous version of Kuzzle. We strongly recommend that you use the latest version. You can also use the version selector in the top menu.

Constructor #

Kuzzle's memory storage is a data store separate from the database layer. It uses Redis internally, and most of its underlying functions are exposed by Kuzzle.

MemoryStorage(Kuzzle) #

Arguments Type Description
Kuzzle object An instantiated Kuzzle SDK object

Usage #

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use \Kuzzle\Kuzzle;
use \Kuzzle\MemoryStorage;
$kuzzle = new Kuzzle('localhost');
// using the static instance
$memoryStorage = $kuzzle->memoryStorage();
// or instantiating a new MemoryStorage object
$memoryStorage = new MemoryStorage($kuzzle);