SDK C# v1.x

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ValidateSpecificationsAsync #

The validateSpecifications method checks if validation specifications are well-formed. It does not store nor modify the existing specifications.

If the validation specifications are not formatted correctly, a detailed error message is returned to help with debugging.

Arguments #

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public async Task<bool> ValidateSpecificationsAsync(JObject specifications);
Argument Type Description
JObject representating the specifications to validate

specifications #

A JObject representing the specifications to validate.

The JObject data must follow the Specifications Structure:

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  "strict": "true",
  "fields": {
    "licence": {
      "mandatory": true,
      "type": "string"
    // ... specification for each field

Return #

A boolean telling whether the provided specifications are valid.

Usage #

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try {
  JObject specifications = JObject.Parse(@"{
    strict: false,
    fields: {
      license: {
        mandatory: true,
        type: 'string'
  bool validation_response =
    await kuzzle.Collection.ValidateSpecificationsAsync(
} catch (Exception e) {