IoT Platform v2.x

Create Device and Asset for a tenant #

The initial setup of the IoT Platform is now finished, we have:

  • a tenant group smartcity
  • a device model Example
  • an asset model Room

Now we will create a new Device for our tenant, go into the Devices view:

  1. click "Create Device"
  2. choose the model Example
  3. give the reference 123456
  • Screenshot

    create device

Then we will create an Asset, go into the Assets view:

  1. click "Create Asset"
  2. choose the model Room
  3. give the reference school_hall
  • Screenshot

    create asset

Finally, we need to link our Device to our Asset to allows the Device measures to characterize the Asset.

Go into our Room-school_hall Asset view:

  1. click "Link a Device"
  2. find the device by typing it's reference 123456
  3. associate the Device temperature measure to the Asset temperature measure
  • Screenshot

    link device

Now our Device is linked to the Asset, we can check the link by sending a raw payload to the Device:

Copied to clipboard!
curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"deviceId": "ABC123", "co2": 123, "temperature": 21.2 }'

We can see the measure in the Asset view: screenshot