update #
Available since Kuzzle 2.1.0
You can define the collection dynamic mappings policy by setting the dynamic
field to the desired value.
You can define collection additional metadata within the _meta
root field.
Available since Kuzzle 2.2.0
You can also provide Elasticsearch index settings when creating a new collection.
:::: tabs ::: tab Java
Arguments #
public CompletableFuture<Map<String, Object>> update(
final String index,
final String collection,
final Map<String, Object> definition)
Arguments | Type | Description |
index | String | Index name |
collection | String | Collection name |
definition | Map<String, Object> | Describes the collection mappings and the ES index settings |
definition #
An object containing:
- collection mappings.
- Elasticsearch index settings
"field1"={ "type"="text" },
"nestedField"={ "type": "keyword" }
// index settings (e.g. analyzers)
Usage #
Map<String, Object> definition = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> _meta = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> plate = new HashMap<>();
plate.put("type", "keyword");
_meta.put("area", "Panipokhari");
properties.put("plate", plate);
definition.put("dynamic", false);
definition.put("_meta", _meta);
definition.put("properties", properties);
.update("nyc-open-data", "yellow-taxi", definition)
::: ::: tab Kotlin
Arguments #
fun update(
index: String,
collection: String,
definition: Map<String, Any?>
): CompletableFuture<Void>
Arguments | Type | Description |
index | String | Index name |
collection | String | Collection name |
definition | Map<String, Any?> | Describes the collection mappings and the ES index settings |
definition #
An object containing:
- collection mappings.
- Elasticsearch index settings
"field1"={ "type"="text" },
"nestedField"={ "type": "keyword" }
// index settings (e.g. analyzers)
Usage #
val plate: Map<String, Any?> =
HashMap<String, Any?>().apply{
put("type", "keyword")
val _meta: Map<String, Any?> =
HashMap<String, Any?>().apply{
put("area", "Panipokhari")
val properties: Map<String, Any?> =
HashMap<String, Any?>().apply{
put("plate", plate)
val definition: Map<String, Any?> =
HashMap<String, Any?>().apply{
put("dynamic", false)
put("_meta", _meta)
put("properties", properties)
.update("nyc-open-data", "yellow-taxi", definition)
::: ::::
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