SDK Android v3.x

You are currently looking at the documentation of a previous version of Kuzzle. We strongly recommend that you use the latest version. You can also use the version selector in the top menu.

Collection #

In Kuzzle, you manipulate documents and subscriptions, both related to collections.

A collection is a set of data managed by Kuzzle. It acts like a data table for persistent documents, or like a room for pub/sub messages.

Collection(kuzzle, collection, index) #

kuzzleobjectKuzzle object
collectionstringThe name of the collection you want to manipulate
indexstringName of the index containing the collection

Note: We recommend you instantiate a Collection object by calling Kuzzle.collection rather than using the constructor directly

Properties #

Property nameTypeDescriptionget/set
collectionstringThe name of the collection handled by this instanceget
indexobjectName of the index containing the collectionget
headersobjectHeaders for all sent documents.get/set
kuzzleobjectlinked Kuzzle instanceget

Note: the headers property is inherited from the main Kuzzle object and can be overrided

Usage #

Collection myCollection = new Collection(kuzzle, "my-collection", "my-index");