PaaS v2.x

Available services 🏘️ #

All theses applications are available when you subscribe to a paas plan. If you want to know more about the paas plans, you can find more information link.

When you will subscribe to a plan, you will be able to access theses services in no time. You can find more information here

Package manager #

The package manager is accessible by default as soon as you have an account opened in our PaaS. The username/password that we have communicated to you allow you to download all private packages that are available under the @kuzzleio scope.

You can find a list of available packages are listed here

If you need help in order to install packages with npm you can follow this guide that will guide you through the process.

Container registry #

  • This is accessible by default as soon as you have a project created in our PaaS
  • This username/password allow you to connect to the Harbor UI and access your project that will hold your docker images
  • How do I deploy a new version of my application in my environment ? -> Follow this guide

Kuzzle #

This is the default backend shipped with your environment

  • Kuzzle backend is accessible through the url of your environment
  • Elasticsearch is the database
  • Redis is the in-memory database

Webapp #

This is a custom frontend can be added in your paas project.

  • Any frontend that serve at port 80 will be accessible through the url of your environment

Custom application #

This is a custom application that can be added in your paas project.

  • Any application can be deployed will be accessible through the url of your environment on the port you have specified

Custom domain #

You can have a custom domain for your application, a default Free DNS is provided for all your applications if you don't have a domain name.

Community #