Official Plugins (Kuzzle v2.x)
Device Manager v2.x

Measure Validation #

A MeasureValidationError is thrown when the provided measures values could not be validated by the JSON schema. It can occur on creation of a measure.

HTTP status: 400

Additional Properties:

errorsarray of objectsList of invalid data from measures, by measures names.

Here is an example of a errors field:

    "measureName": "magiculeExt",
    "validationErrors": [
        "instancePath": "/magicule",
        "schemaPath": "#/properties/magicule/type",
        "keyword": "type",
        "params": {
          "type": "integer"
        "message": "must be integer"
    "measureName": "magiculeInt",
    "validationErrors": [
        "instancePath": "/magicule",
        "schemaPath": "#/properties/magicule/type",
        "keyword": "type",
        "params": {
          "type": "integer"
        "message": "must be integer"

Errors fields:

measureNamestringThe measure name where validation errors occured
validationErrorsarray of objectsThe list of validation errors (AJV formated)

The validation errors array contain standard AJV errors, please refer to their documentation about errors for more informations. instancePath, in our case, refer to the model name.