Official Plugins (Kuzzle v2.x)
Device Manager v2.x

Mappings Conflicts #

A MappingsConflictsError is thrown in case the new model mappings types are conflicting with other models, it can be itself in case of an update or another model when creating a new one.

HTTP status: 409

Additional Properties:

chunksarray of objectsList of conflicting models name and type, along an array of conflicts.
A conflict contains the new type and current type as well as its path.

Here is an example of a chunks field:

    "conflicts": [
        "currentType": "integer",
        "newType": "keyword",
        "path": "asset.metadataMappings.weight.type"
        "currentType": "integer",
        "newType": "keyword",
        "path": "asset.metadataMappings.height.type"
    "modelType": "asset",
    "newModel": "Container",
    "sourceModel": "Container"
    "conflicts": [
        "currentType": "keyword",
        "newType": "integer",
        "path": ""
    "modelType": "asset",
    "newModel": "Container",
    "sourceModel": "Plane"

Chunks fields:

conflictsarray of objectsList of conflicts for the current chunk
modelTypestringThe type of the new and source model
newModelstringThe conflicting model
sourceModelstringThe model at source of the conflict

Conflicts fields:

currentTypestringCurrent type in the mappings
newTypestringNew type causing conflicts
pathstringPath to the conflict source